This article seeks to analyse the images that accompany the hybrid musical genre of the 1960s and 1970s called Anatolian Pop in Turkey. The unique characteristic of this musical style is twofold; firstly, it stems from the polycultural nature of the genre as it brings together European, Mediterranean, Arabic, Balkan, and other post-Ottoman ‘musicscapes’ (drawing on Appadurai 1996), and secondly, it blends rural and urban elements up to a point that can be called ‘rurban’, a term adopted from urbanism. The latter also needs to be examined in the context of migration flows from rural Anatolia to larger cities mostly in the West of Turkey. Anatolian pop music developed in a globalising-localising context, a ‘liminal’ place and space of both domestic and international cross-cultural communication.
The rurban character of Anatolian Pop is for one part present within the music, but also in its materiality, most prominently in the metamorphosis of the rural lute saz into an electrified urban rock instrument. Rurbanity is, however, equally inherent in the images produced alongside this music: for record covers, magazines and films that show musicians, fashion garments, accessories, and instruments. These images can be read as documents of particular social, temporal and/or spatial relationships, and can thus be analysed in the context of the sociology of knowledge.
Mainly based on a sample of 1970s Turkish weekly pop-culture magazine Hey, the article examines how the interplay of rurban fashion and music works, and how these discourses were framed in the photographic images. The authors also investigate the visual and discursive links between the kostüme avantür films of the period and Anatolian pop music. Thus, the objective of this analysis is to uncover the incorporated habitus of the period, i.e., the sometimes unconscious and unreflected patterns of behaviour and valuation in a society (Bourdieu 2014).
Lund, Cornelia/Lund, Holger/Yanikkaya, Berrin/Zöllner, Oliver, “Anatolian Pop Music: ›Rurban‹ Images of a Period”, in: Ralf von Appen/Peter Klose (eds.), »All the Things You Are« – Die materielle Kultur populärer Musik, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2023, pp. 111-138.
How is music culture shaped by the concrete material nature of everyday objects and places? The contributors carefully analyze flyers for club nights, skull and crossbones shirts, photos on LP covers, beer benches in marquees or collections of historical playback devices in order to reveal cultural implications, surprising potential meanings and effects. In doing so, they develop an increased sensitivity to the aesthetically and practically effective nature of carriers of meaning, which is all too easily underestimated – and thus make cultural-scientific discourses on materiality fruitful for the understanding of popular music.