„La danse est un sujet idéal pour le cinéma“, Man Ray states in 1936. A declaration which seems convincing if one considers that dance and film share fundamental aspects like movement and the sequence in time. Early experimental film (i. e. Man Ray, Fernand Lèger or the Absolute Film) takes innovations in modern dance from around 1900 and experiments with choreographies of lights and objects. But these films do not simply present dancing lights, objects and forms - instead, the two media interact: on the one hand new forms of dance are translated into the film medium, on the other hand film is redefined by the media-specific editing and processing of dance characteristics.
The combination of film and dance is frequent in current stage productions. Due to developing technology there are more and more experiments with live generated film or computer images which are integrated into the choreography. Dance stepping from a three-dimensional stage onto a two-dimensional screen and on into three dimensions again within a multi-media space: these are the movements the workshop will follow.
November 5, 2005
14.00 h – 15.30 h
Cornelia und Holger Lund
Lena Christolova (Konstanz): Germaine Dulac: La cinégraphie intégrale Abstract
16.00 h -18.00 h
Jen Haas (Zürich): Tanz ist wie die bessere Seite des Lebens. Zu den Konzeptionen des Tanzes im populären Tanzfilm
Matthias Weiß (Berlin): Tanzende Bilder? Musikvideos und Visual Music im Spannungsfeld zwischen Repräsentativität und Performanz Abstract
18.30 h – 20.00 h
Screening „Dancing the Screen“/ Discussion
November 6, 2005
9.30 h – 11.30 h
Marco Costantini (Lausanne): Lighting of the body - le corps comme objet de diffraction. Les nouveaux médias et la choréographie contemporaine Abstract
Susanne Foellmer (Berlin): „Andere Räume“ - Diffusionen zwischen Körper und Kamera Abstract
12.00 h – 13.30 h
Multiple Choice/ Fabian Chyle und Alexander Schmidt, Video Lecture
The workshop takes place in cooperation with Multiple Choice:
Some contribution are published here.
Supported by
Medienteam der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart, MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg, f.concept Licht- und Tontechnik, Unternehmen Form