Kim Nelson is the Director of the Humanities Research Group, and an Associate Professor in the School of Creative Arts at the University of Windsor; she also is a current PhD candidate at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. Her feature length documentaries have screened at film festivals and on university campuses in Canada, the US, and Europe, and her most recent documentary aired nationally in Canada on CBC last January and is streaming on CBC’s GEM website. In her lecture, Kim Nelson will introduce her current project, Live Interactive Documentary as Social Cinema: Expanding Transmedia models through immersive Performance Dissemination. It is expanded cinema and merges documentary, multimedia performance, software programming, history and film theory, in order to address the silos that have emerged from social media platforms that isolate individuals in human-to-screen interactions. Kim Nelson will show how this approach is informed by calls from philosophy of history to employ postmodern art practices, multiperspectival viewpoints and to seek a communal gathering and a metamodern sensibility as a response to the ills and misinformation expressed via traditional screen-based media. Finally, she will explain and demonstrate how we seize new media opportunities through repurposing emerging software tools intended for dance clubs and installation art in order to enable an interactive exchange with the audience.
Project site and trailer:
Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Mediendramaturgie von Florian Leitner und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Seminar Audiovisuelle Performance – live und in Realtime von Cornelia Lund und mit fluctuating images, Berlin.